Friday, April 10, 2015

ten on ten - april edition

it's hard to believe we are in APRIL already.. but the flowers are starting to bloom, 
the kids are getting antsy (ready for summer break already) and the spring allergies are going strong over here in our area!

for this project, (technically) I'm suppose to take pictures on the 10th day and post it that same day...
but because I am super slow at taking pictures and editing, I have take my pictures on the 9th day 
and post on the 10th.
well, that's what my goal is.
my blog/photography circle can attest to the fact that it rarely happens though.
I'm usually very late but trying to be better at it because I love this project so much.

and also, in the spirit of breaking the rules.. I was only able to take 8 pictures rather than 10.
I know. I KNOW. #BAD

this day involved:

-my 3rd oldest decided she was going to take care of our dog. anything to get out of yard work.

-trying a new way of growing strawberries. (so far, so good!) snails can't get to them because they are up high. the birds are an entirely different story though.

-a little boy learning how to mow our yard. his poor little arms were hurting after this.

-my hydrangeas are starting to bloom! (happy dance!)

-sisters coloring together. and little sister, there on the left, especially likes to color on our table and counter top.

-a peaceful moment in the day.. otherwise called naptime.

-while the three older kids went to grandmas, my youngest and I hit up Home Depot. 
(life is just so exciting once you have kids!)

-dinner, just us two. it felt a little too quiet and honestly, a little lonely without my other kids around.

I'm happy to inform you that they are back from an overnight stay and our house is back to it's normal loud and chaotic self.

all is right in the world again :)

next in our blog circle is Jessica
head on over to Jessica's blog and see what she has been up to :)

hope you are having a wonderful day!



Alexis said...

Wow!! I am so jealous of all your plants:) It still is chilly here and brown. I did just buy strawberries though:) My favorite image is of your daughter at Home Depot. Seriously it is just too cute! I am so happy to see your posts. I forgot how much I loved seeing your clean crisp edits and simple yet powerful perspectives!! I can't wait for more!

Jessica Kubit said...

I want to come to your house, it always looks so light and airy and CLEAN!! The photos are gorgeous and I wish our weather was as nice. I love the photos of your purses on the wall, not sure why, just love the normality of it all. Also the strawberries and mowing the lawn, love the perspective.

Andrea said...

I really like your photographs. What a happy and beautiful bunch of people. And your eye for the odd collection - the shoes, the purses - so satisfying. Thank you!