Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween around here & a blog note to self.

For some reason, I just wasn't in the Halloween spirit this year.
I'm not sure if it's because Halloween isn't one of my favorite holidays
or because the rest of my family was not able to enjoy it with us
as they do every year.

Days before Halloween I was still trying to figure out what my son was going to be.
Boys are so hard for me to figure out..
he originally wanted to be a character from Star Wars
{a character I can't even pronounce the name of}.

So he ended up being Wolverine..
only because my sister had this outfit saved from when my nephew used it.
I'm so happy that she saves everything.. makes my life a lot easier when I'm
frantically trying to figure out costumes!

Every Halloween I tell myself, "Next year I will..."
and then of course, I don't remember.
So this time I'm making a blog note of things to remember for next year:

Find this little guy a costume early.
And while I'm at it, find costumes for all the kiddos well before Halloween.

Convince hubby to dress up.
I don't think it will happen, but if I start nagging early enough maybe he'll give in.

Find our Halloween bags ahead of time.
That way the little senorita below doesn't have to collect
candy in a brown paper bag.

Make sure that the little senorita (above) takes a long nap..
otherwise she'll start to poop out early.

Is there anything you want to remember for next year?

Hope you had a wonderful Halloween!


Rebecca said...

Love whatever vintagey filter you used here! Love the costumes! Little gal has the prettiest eyes!

For me it would be....

BE organized & plan ahead. Not make their costumes on they way out the door! Ha!

Vivian said...

SO cute FLOR! They all looks adorable, but I will have to say I fell in love with the little Spanish seƱorita! Maybe because that's what I was this Halloween.

Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

hands down, cutest family ever! :) xo

Katie @ minivan diva said...

I want to remember to take a pic with all 3 of my boys in it! haha!

Cute pics of your kiddos. Good luck getting your hubby to dress up next year. : )