Wednesday, August 3, 2011

let's talk about the weather & wiww

You know when your talking to someone and you really don't know what to say.. and so you just ask about the weather.

Well, let's just imagine that I'm that person and I don't know what to talk about.
This is the point where I ask you:
"So, my blogland friend, how's the weather in your area?"
{now you pretend to respond}
And I say: "Oh, well thank you for asking. It is so stinkin' hot over here my make-up has been running off my face. My kids spend 5 minutes outside and they come inside sweating and complaining that they are going to pass out from heat exhaustion. Other then that, it's been lovely."

How's that for an imaginary conversation?
Seriously, the sun has gotten to me. It's fried my brain and sapped my energy and apparently, removed from memory any blog topics I was thinking about.

And now I'm making up conversations. wonderful.

Two outfits to share today -

Went to my mom's birthday party by myself since my kids are still at grandma's. It felt very strange to sit by the pool and not have to be on the lookout for my kids in the swimming pool.

Hat: H&M, Dress: gifted {Target}, Watch: Target, Shoes: Payless

 {now this is a true mama bike. a basket that holds coloring pages and a baby carrier in the back. and this picture is making me miss my babies even more.}


Lunch with my sister and then a little photography adventure {that didn't work out so well} with some girlfriends.
These little Target shoes - love them. They are so comfortable. I was standing, squatting, moving, running and jumping in them and I'm happy to report: 1) I didn't fall down and 2) I didn't get any blisters.

Shirt: Forever 21, Cropped Jeans: Gap, Shoes: Target, Bracelet band and watch: Target

Hope you are surviving this summer heat.
Thank you for the fine conversation today :)

Linking up to WIWW at the Pleated Poppy and Real Momma, Real Style at Momma Go Round.


Melissa, SoChick! said...

both outfits are fab, I love those red espadrilles! Ah!! Adorable! ~okay, calming down from shoe envy~ My little chicks are back home, as am I, from our vacay. Getting ready for school in a few weeks, eeep! Stay cool!

Amy said...

Love the white dress! How does your hair always look so perfect?? I love the style!

Anonymous said...

Those red shoes with the white dress are absolutely perfect!!

Linda Z said...

Well you don't look zapped! You look beautiful!! :) That white dress is simply darling! :)

April said...

you are gorgeous. period.

Jodi said...

LOVE the dress/sandals combo! Gorgeous is right!

Cerrisse said...

Love those sandals! I am a new follower coming over from the Pleated Poppy.
Come stop on over

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

I kept seeing that dress at Target and I LOVE IT! Looks great on ya! The Forever21 shirt is SUPER cute too, can't wait til I get my F21 back!

Sarah said...

Your dress and shoes combo is toooo cute! Love it!

The Olive Tree Blog said...

That dress is so cute! I went to a H&M in NYC once...i should have bought don't have one where I am :)

Jamie said...

The shoe/hat combination in the first picture is absolutely lovely!