Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Thoughts - {be still}

I've missed the last 2 or 3 Sunday thoughts posts..
and this one almost did not happen.

I have a million things to do before my kids return back to the house
but it can all wait.
It will have to wait. 
I've put everything else as a priority the last couple of weeks..
and boy do I feel it.

My heart has become burdened..
stress and anxiety have visited me far too often
and I've had very little quiet time to do my scripture readings
or my bible study.

It's a new week to start over and get back in the ball game
because it's never too late :)

Happy Sunday to you..


Katie @ minivan diva said...

That's what I love about our is never too late. I hope you have a wonderful week. : )

Linda Z said...

Just beautiful! I love these Sunday posts! :)

Cate Mezyk said...

Oh, it's been so hard for me too lately to make it a priority. It seems like with school starting up last month, I still can't get into the groove of our fall schedule. Thanks for a good reminder that it's ok to start over and that it's never too late!

Kelly said...

i hope that you have been filled up with his love this week.