Saturday, August 27, 2011

what's-going-on Friday {or Saturday}

I should have posted this on Friday as a weekly wrap up but I'm about a day behind on everything right now.
If you knew me in real life, you'd know that's usually the way it is.

First things first: Pinterest finds

My sister finds the coolest things on Pinterest. I don't even need to surf Pinterest. I just look at her boards and repin the things I like.

Christina at Tree of Olive always has the best little finds. It's like window shopping.. I ohhhh and aahhhh and think I can do all the DIY projects she finds. 

This makes me feel like running.  I need to make more time to go out for a run more often. I miss it.
And I wish I looked this cute while running.

I love this look. One of these days I'm going to recreate this look. I just need to find this blouse and a thin cardigan and a belt. Once I find all of these pieces THEN I'll recreate it.

And now back to reality..

The house needed a really good cleaning this week as I was going to have a little lunch party with some friends.
I needed volunteers for the cleaning job I had in mind....and of course, no one I was forced to pick 3 little helpers. I set the kitchen timer for 15 minutes, gave them each disinfectant wipes and had them clean all the forgotten surfaces around the house.

They didn't care for it too much but I told them that if I heard any complaining I would add 5 minutes to their cleaning time {ha!}
I didn't hear a peep after that.
And now my baseboards, chairs and doors are so clean and white. This is one happy mama. 
In all seriousness... we are trying to teach the kids that when I am cleaning they should either:

1) help me clean 
2) ask me if I need help

I want them to be helpful and grateful for what others do for them. If I can teach them this in the home, I am hoping that when they go to their aunts or grandma's house they will offer their help and assistance.

God knows I'm trying my best.
And as much as I try to reinforce it I still hear the complaining and the whining. But its becoming less frequent.
But I'm not giving up.
This little girl makes me proud..
She is so watchful of her little brother at school.. when I dropped them off at the front of the school one morning, she turned to me and said I'll take care of him, mama.. grabbed his hand and walked with him to his class room.

Just about made me cry right there in the school parking lot.

Oh, this little light of mine. She shines bright and clear.
Silence is not something that you find in our house alot.
Now, chaos... chaos is a frequent visitor at our house.

So it makes me nervous when I don't hear any noise. Something's up when it's been quiet for longer then 7 minutes. I usually stop what I'm doing to investigate and make sure all kids are accounted for.

Luckily, this little girl found a quiet way to entertain herself.

And I'm thankful that she was coloring on paper and not the toy chest this time.

Have a wonderful weekend friends!


Heather @ Finding Beauty in the Ordinary said...

Your kiddos are so cute!!!!! And I'm sure you would look even cuter than that pic while running! ;) xo

Linda Z said...

That C.S. Lewis quote is one of my favs! I am so impressed how your kids are cleaning and doing such a great job!! Wow! :)