Monday, August 15, 2011

the cupcake issue.

It is 10:20pm on a Monday night.
I sit here tap tapping away trying to ignore the guilt that is creeping in.
You see, I've just consumed a chocolate creme filled cupcake - in about 5 seconds.
I don't even remember if the cupcake even had creme in it, that's how fast I ate it.

 This entire back to school process just gives me anxiety.
And filling out these first day of school registration forms just puts me over the edge.
And if you know me, you know that when I get anxious I either: eat a chocolate
cupcake, workout or clean like a crazy woman. Usually, I just go for the cupcake.

I've prepared for this day for weeks now.. both the kids and I have been so ready for this day to come around.
But now that it's here I'm a ball of nerves. I worry about their teachers, the friends
they'll be making or whether they will eat all their lunch at lunch time. Seriously, I'm
a hot mess.
{printable idea from here}

Will it always be this way? This mix of emotions? Can you be sad {my babies are growing up} and excited {thank you Lord school has begun!} all at the same time?
I don't know if I can handle this every year.

And this poor child.. she's been left with no one to play with. Her playmates are
now officially in school and I, of course, don't count as a fun and exciting playmate.
One day they're here.. and the next day they're gone for more then half the day! Her little world just
got rocked.

{I just had to make her a little sign and pack up some snacks in a little bag for her.
She wanted so badly to be like the bigger kids}

But through this haze of worry and anxiety I'm reminded of God's promise:

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

He is working in the hearts of my children... whether they are with me or apart from me.
And I rest in the knowledge that He knows more about their future then I do.

I just
He wouldn't make chocolate creme cupcakes taste so good. <sigh>


andi {the hollie rogue} said...

such sweet pictures of your kiddos. my kids aren't in school yet, but i have to think i'm going to be feeling exactly the same way! thanks for being my 100th follower--you just sent my 100 follower giveaway into motion! :)


Amy said...

Your children are so beautiful! I would also eat that cupcake and eat it really fast so you are not alone! Try to make a lot of playdate4s for the little one to keep busy. My kids still have a couple weeks and I can't wait, they are driving me INSANE!

Jennifer said...

what beautiful photos! Hang in there...I feel the same way when I'm not with my little one.

danielle @ take heart said...

i have those feelings when i am away from my babies, too! He will give you comfort :) they are precious!

Melissa, SoChick! said...

*HUG* My oldest starts 3rd grade this year and my youngest gets stuck with Mommy, Bummer for her, lol. ;-)

Your kids are beautiful! I'm going to check out that printable, what a great idea!