Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm always behind a couple of days on pretty much everything.
And posting 4th of July pictures is no exception.

But I figured this is our little family journal, and really,
I'm just happy I was even able to get these up at all considering the hectic week its been.

Fourth of July Goodness includes:
• lots of swimming
• root beer floats
• subway sandwiches for dinner
• friends
• fireworks
• only one time out per kid
• no temper tantrums
• no sunburns
{really} late bedtime=getting to sleep in the next day

How happy are these kids?
I'd say pretty darn happy.

This mama is just so grateful to be able to live
in a country where her children can just..
enjoy life and be kids.

Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!

1 comment:

Alexa Mae said...

How cute are those kiddos? Pretty dang cute! Your pictures are magical. And now I want a root beer float. :)