Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I opened up the doors to my house yesterday for a little Mothers Day Picnic with
my MOMS club friends.

I will admit..
I woke up very nervous about the weather.
It had been sunny ALL week..
and of course, wouldn't you know it, the day I decide to have a luncheon
the rain clouds started to appear.
Of course, there is no Plan B.
It was hard enough just to come up with Plan A.

And no..
my house does not fit 15 adults and 100 little kids.

A-Mode, Focal Length: 35mm, f6.3, 1/4000, ISO 640

But the party shall go on.

Moving on..

Imagine opening your door to this cute little guy.
{Yes, I'll take one of him please.}

A-Mode, Focal Length: 35mm, f1.8, 1/320, ISO 640

And because we are still mothers even on Mothers Day
our little ones were there to share the day with us.
Because, after all, without them
we wouldn't have an excuse to throw a party.

The food was awesome and there was plenty for seconds {or thirds}.

We served our kids first
so that we could relax and eat without having to worry about little hungry tummies.
After they had eaten
it was our turn.
And it was dee-lish!

Good company
Good food
Good conversation
and the best part of all..
it ended just in time for nap time.

P.S. We missed those moms that could not make it
and hope to see you next year  :)

P.S.S. Thank you friends for letting me take pictures of you and your babies.
You girls rock!

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